dreams are our weapon hopedream as a definition is many things:1.a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.2.the sleeping state in which this occurs.3.an object seen in a dream.4.an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.5.a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.6.an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.7.a wild or vain fancy.8.something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.9. to have a dream.10. to indulge in daydreams or reveries:He dreamed about vacation plans when he should have been working.11. to think or conceive of something in a very remote way(usually fol. by of): I wouldn't dream of asking them. –verb (used with object)12. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.13. to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.14. to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often fol. by away) : to dream away the afternoon.15. most desirable; ideal: a dream vacation.16. dream up, to form in the imagination; devise:They dreamed up the most impossible plan.joy, mirth, gladness,the following are some of the dreams attached to the circle
during DREAMTIME zero-point's 3rd of 13 moon series
the beginning...
i chose these pieces
and tried to accurately place
the words as they were written
they are anonymousthe water was rushing in
on a ship and i was stranded in the hull.
as i began to drown
i noticed that i had grown gills,
and swam to the surface
only to descend again
to a new life
as a new creature.
all this climbing
these winding
long roads
steep staircases
does eveyrhwere
lead to nyc?
i have been
hovering over nyc
in my dreams since
98. and i've never
even been.
dream of stairwells
and rooftops and all
my neighbors there.
dream scheme to get
me out of this hot
town to another.
i want wet warm
sweet coastal love.
living in wood and
treehouses and full
plates and wine
stained glasses.
i want my face
stained with
from my
lovers face.
i want
this loneliness
to fade into
a city of my
my owned
i dreampt i was at
a punk show and
the band started by
playing the first set of
chords from some really
early era song,
then there were some
rad lyrics
i don't remember them...
b-movie dream
looked familiar.
it was
clearly mine
but i hadn't
been there before.
it held
many of my
things. suddenly
my bicycle
is missing, stolen
by a bunch of
flower face kids.
how will i get
to the garden
now? will i have
to steal someone
else's ride? all
of the panic and
terror over take
me and pulsate
there was
a midget chasing
me -- and a bunch
of my friends - he kept
trying to get us to go
on a scavenger hunt and
drink a potion - we
told him no - and i
said i was bigger
than him and he
couldn't make me -
he kept trying to
scare us and i
was laughing
at him
i dreamed my legs
were all purple from bruises,
and i couldn't remember
how i got them, but it scared
me - they didn't hurt but i
was afraid i might die from it
my dream is to create a
platform from which other dreams
can take flight. these dreams
are those which uplift others
and connect us to our
better selves
to have
only more
of what
i only
health & happiness
for my beauty &
myself etc.
may happiness appear in
both romance & music &
let the love over-vibe all
shades of pain.
i dream of the
connections between
us eliminating the
need for the word
"evil" to exist in
our collective
vocabulary, to
be eliminated
from the
i'm in my parent's dining room,
daytime, and hear a
shotgun accompanied with
a scream from my mother
and / or sister.
everyone was a zombie - souls eternal
but dead walking
an old friend
still had his soul
and he protected me
i was an
i was
born as
dreampt of hanging upside-down from the rung of a fire escape ladder on the top floor of a brick
high rise in nyc. after testing the rungs for stability & hanging for a moment, the ladder gives way
and i fall, expecting certain death due to the height of the building. but in mid-fall, a caucasian
guy flies to my rescue, robing me in a white quilt-like gown (and textured like styrofoam balls),
which seems to slow my descent. it is understood that the guy was an angel, who then brings
me to this ritzy blue-blood party where an older, sophisticated woman comments on the
fashion forwardness of the white quilt gown. i laugh inside at the comedy
of it, and that's all i remember...
i hope that all the vulnerable
creatures will be free from
suffering. only when mankind
realizes that they are not superior
beings, will this happen...
a dream is
a dream
because -
flying on a
small chair to
another dimension,
i met the others
but eventually
i left, went
back to the earth
dimension and became
until i
and could not
move. until the
sun rose next in
the sky
a powerful magician
leads me through solid stone
we were walking inside solid
stone, two evil ones tried to stop us
on our journey, but we just kept going.
the sensation of walking inside solid stone
through solid rock, was different than air, we
moved slowly, like through really heavy water,
but nothing could stop us, and i could feel
that i was protected and safe.
the end...
pretty amazing.
gratitude to all participants
DREAMTIME was created.